Introducing Lobby Jackpot!

Get Ready to Win Big with the Lobby Jackpot

We're thrilled to announce the newest addition to Uptown Aces: the legendary Lobby Jackpot! As one of the top online casinos, we're always looking for ways to enhance your gaming experience and provide you with the best options.

What is the Lobby Jackpot?

It's a fantastic feature that gives you the opportunity to win big while you enjoy your favorite casino games on your mobile or desktop. It's an additional layer of excitement that can be randomly triggered, making each spin even more thrilling!

How much does it cost?

Once you opt-in, it'll only cost $0.01 per spin.

What's the prize, and how can you claim it?

The Lobby Jackpot can be triggered at any random moment and reach a maximum of $50. Some lucky players may even win $100! And the best part? You can opt-in or opt-out at any time.

If you win, you'll receive a notification and can easily claim your cash prize. Furthermore, you can check out the fortunate winners in the lobby within the Lobby Jackpots section.

Can I join now?

You sure can! Head to your casino lobby, log in to your account and click Opt-in. Then, start spinning and get ready for some heart-pumping action!

How do I opt-out?

Click on the burger menu, then click on Lobby Jackpot, and finally Opt-out.

What about free spins and bonuses?

Please note that free spins and bonuses are not eligible for the Lobby Jackpot. Additionally, only slots contribute to the jackpot. However, don't worry since we offer plenty of options for you to choose from!