New Slot Jackpot Saloon

Jackpot Saloon Now Live

Saddle up, 'cause we're fixin' to take you on an unforgettable ride straight into the heart of the Wild West. This ain't no slot for the faint-hearted; we're talkin' a high-octane adventure with bonus features comin' at ya from every direction, givin' you a chance to wrangle up some serious winnings on your luckiest of days.

Introducin' our buckin' bronco of a slot: Jackpot Saloon, a 20-line, 5-reel video pokie that's packin' some serious heat! Listen up, sharpshooters! Jackpot Saloon beckons all you quick-draw wagerers who know how to get the best bang for your buck.

Saddle your horses and get ready for not one, but two jaw-droppin' Bonus Features that'll have you shootin' for the stars. And hold onto your cowboy hats, 'cause there are special jackpots waitin' for you during the Free Games!

Now, let's rustle up the impressive features of Jackpot Saloon and see if you got what it takes to be the top gunslinger in town:

Star Collect Feature: Above each of the 5 reels, you'll find 5 star badge symbols. Collect all 5 star badge symbols above a single reel to trigger 10 Free Games!

Bonus Scatter: Land 3 or more of these special scatters to trigger the Pick Bonus Feature!

Pick Bonus Feature: Uncover prizes, multipliers, and star badges hidden in wooden barrels on your screen. The round ends when you pick a dynamite symbol.

Free Games Scatter: Grab 3 or more of these scatters to trigger a lucky round of Free Games!

Free Games Feature: Enjoy 10 Free Games with tripled prizes! The star badge collector symbols above each reel are now associated with a unique jackpot. Collect all 5 star badges during a Free Games round to trigger the corresponding jackpot!

Get ready to strike gold while playing our thrilling new slot, now available at your favorite online casino: Uptown Aces!

Try it out now with 25 FREE SPINS and win up $200!
Redeem Code: FREESHOT

Standard bonus terms apply, valid from the 26th of July to the 16th of August, 2023.