Classic Episodes to Remember

There are many episodes worth mentioning when it comes to Christmas – or the holiday season – and TV shows. There's something for every taste, from Friends to The Office and even shows like Black Mirror or classics from the 80s. 

A super-funny Christmas episode that will forever reign in everyone’s hearts is Friends’ Christmas episode, where Ross dresses up as the Holiday Armadillo and tries to teach his son, Ben, about their Jewish heritage for Hanukkah.

Classic TV shows such as Cheers and its “Christmas Cheers” episode are perfect for adding to the mix. This episode from season 6 has all the gang together, forced to work on Christmas Eve and exchange gifts, but Sam forgets to get one for Rebecca. 

The magic of Christmas extends to shows you wouldn't suspect would celebrate it. Such is the case of Black Mirror’s "White Christmas.” In this episode from season 2, Jon Hamm tells three stories from a cabin on Christmas Day. The stories are not so “the most wonderful time of the year” like.

Continue your “Best Christmas episode binge-watching” tradition or start a new one this season and even look for ones from shows that perhaps you’ve never seen before. It’s the season to try it all!